10th anniversary
imagineNATIVE Film + Media Festival, Toronto ON, 2009
For the 10th anniversary of the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Festival, Dana Claxton was invited to curate the programming .
“This program looks at 12 films that have been screened at the festival in celebration of imagineNATIVE’s 10th anniversary. These dramatic works are part of the burgeoning field of dramatic Aboriginal screen culture and they are exciting, unpredictable and thoughtful. Storylines are varied; Indians playing Whites, Pine Ridge disasters, bad medicine and hope, young girls and prayer, drugs and visions, giants and little people, spirits in the bush, dead guitar heroes, Cufe and burial proper, and unpacking the residential/boarding school tragedy. These works represent what is going on in Aboriginal thought and creative applications of that thought. Together the works span a decade of Indigenous production and during this time there have been several other dramatic projects made, far too many to include in this program. As you will see in this program, Aboriginal culture producers are fully engaged with dramatic narratives and bringing Indigenous life to the screen. These stories interpret contemporary life as well as the complex and difficult history that makes up North America.”
— From Dana Claxton’s “A Note from the Curator”
Program, 10th anniversary, imagineNATIVE Film + Media Festival, 2009
Program, 10th anniversary, imagineNATIVE Film + Media Festival, 2009
Program, 10th anniversary, imagineNATIVE Film + Media Festival, 2009