Sitting Bull and the Moose Jaw Sioux
Four channel video installation
Dimensions vary
“As a descendent of Lakota women who walked to Canada with Sitting Bull, Claxton explored the history from which she descends in “Sitting Bull and the Moose Jaw Sioux.” The exhibition was first presented at the Moose Jaw Art Museum and Gallery in 2004 and later toured throughout Saskatchewan with stops in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. During our phone conversation and email correspondence in September, Claxton explained, “with so little public acknowledgement of Sitting Bull’s history in Moose Jaw […] I wanted to acknowledge that history, the place-based agency in Moose Jaw.”[i] The video installation work of “Sitting Bull and the Moose Jaw Sioux” celebrated that history and integrated multiple perspectives through interviews combined with her own footage and archival images of the late 19th and early 20th century Sioux encampment established by Sitting Bull near Moose Jaw.”
— By Toby Katrine Lawrence for Blackflash Magazine
Sitting Bull and the Moose Jaw Sioux, installed at Dana Claxton: Fringing the Cube, Vancouver Art Gallery, 2018. Photography by Maegan Hill-Carroll, Vancouver Art Gallery.
Sitting Bull and the Moose Jaw Sioux, installed at the Moose Jaw Museum and Art Gallery, 2004.
Sitting Bull and the Moose Jaw Sioux screenshot
Sitting Bull and the Moose Jaw Sioux, installed at the Moose Jaw Museum and Art Gallery, 2004.
Sitting Bull and the Moose Jaw Sioux screenshot
Sitting Bull and the Moose Jaw Sioux screenshot